About this event


  • Karen Donfried, President, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Co-Chair, Transatlantic Task Force
  • Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman, Munich Security Conference, Co-Chair, Transatlantic Task Force
  • Bruce Stokes, Executive Director, Transatlantic Task Force


  • Julia Strasheim, Deputy Managing Director, Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung

In 2021 the United States and Europe will face challenges that threaten their way of life: a catastrophic pandemic, a deep economic recession, accelerating climate change, a rising China, growing technological competition, and emerging security threats. These challenges will test our ability to deliver on the promise to safeguard and enhance the lives of our citizens. These are issues that transcend national borders. They cannot be successfully dealt with alone. They can only be resolved through concerted, cooperative international action.

The transatlantic alliance, despite maintaining peace and stability for the past seventy years, has come under increasing strain. With new European Union leadership and key elections on the horizon on both sides of the Atlantic, now is the time to set a new path forward. 

Please join us for the launch of Transatlantic Task Force: Together or Alone? Choices and Strategies for Transatlantic Relations for 2021 and Beyond. Prepared by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in coordination with the Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung, this new initiative has assembled a distinguished group of prominent American and European experts to develop transatlantic policy solutions to pressing challenges—from security, climate and trade, to technology, a rising China, and a devasting global pandemic—and chart a new path forward for the transatlantic relationship. 

If you have any questions, please contact William Stewart-Wood at [email protected].