About this event


  • Thea Lee President, Economic Policy Institute  
  • Reiner Hoffmann, President, German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) & GMF Marshall Memorial Fellow ('91)


  • Elena Bryan, Senior Visiting Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The coronavirus pandemic has severely disrupted global trade and plunged economies across the Atlantic into recession. For now multi-trillion relief and stimulus packages have been passed, but this moment may lead to domestic structural economic reform and a rethink on globalization. Thea Lee and Reiner Hoffmann will discuss European and U.S. approaches for economic recovery. How can we navigate toward economic recovery and what role will international trade play in a post-coronavirus world?

If you have any questions, please contact Corinna Blutguth at [email protected].

This event is part of the webinar series Transatlantic Perspective on a Post-Pandemic World,which brings together leading voices from the United States and Europe to explore fault lines and trends disclosed by the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on societies and politics across the Atlantic.