About this event

A Conversation with Ivan Korčok, Foreign Minister of Slovakia


  • Ivan Korčok, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovakia
  • Karen Donfried, President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow and Director, Democracy Initiatives, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Join the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Embassy of Slovakia to the United States for a special conversation with Ivan Korčok, foreign minister of the Republic of Slovakia. Slovakia is emerging as a leading voice in Europe, including in the European Union and NATO, for strengthened democracy, rule of law, and transatlantic cooperation. Bratislava’s emerging leadership role has come at a time of great need and challenges both for Slovak leaders and its transatlantic partners, including efforts to address and mitigate the health and socio-economic impacts of the coronavirus in Central Europe and across the European Union. Looking ahead, what role will Slovakia play in addressing increased geopolitical threats to Euro-Atlantic institutions? Also, what is Bratislava’s strategy for forging, with partners in the United States and Europe, an impactful and lasting post-pandemic response while also championing democracy, unity, and transatlantic cooperation? Our discussion with Foreign Minister Korčok will focus on these local, regional, and global challenges, including China, Russia, and the burgeoning security threats facing Slovakia and its allies.

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].