About this event

The Past, Present and Future of Section 230 and the Communications Decency Act


  • Jeff Kosseff, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Law, United States Naval Academy Cyber Science Department
  • Danielle Coffey, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Counsel, News Media Alliance
  • John Bergmayer, Senior Counsel, Public Knowledge



  • Ellen P. Goodman, Co-Director and Co-Founder, Rutgers Institute for Information Policy and Law; Professor, Rutgers Law School; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

In his new book, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Law Jeff Kosseff calls Section 230 The Twenty-Six Words that Created the Internet. However, by relieving Internet platforms of responsibility for the content they promote, might they instead be the words that threaten democracy? Please join us on June 3 when we will discuss the importance and the future of Section 230 with Mr. Kosseff. Also joining us will be Danielle Coffey, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Counsel at the News Media Alliance, and John Bergmayer, Senior Counsel at Public Knowledge. Moderated by NonResident Senior Fellow Ellen P. Goodman, this lunchtime roundtable will focus on whether Section 230 should be reformed, how is it affecting the production and circulation of journalism, and what is happening in other countries with respect to platform liability. This lunchtime roundtable is the next in a series run by the Digital Innovation & Democracy Initiative. The initiative leverages GMF’s extensive networks to develop strategies that advance innovation and strengthen democratic values.

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Miller at [email protected].