About this event


  • Daniel Fried, Former U.S. Ambassador to Poland, 1997-2000 and Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow, Atlantic Council


  • Markus Ziener, Professor of Journalism at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HMKW), Incoming Helmut Schmidt Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States & Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

The Biden administration has shown itself ready and willing to use sanctions as a tool of foreign policy, already having enacted a robust package of sanctions against Russia for its treatment of Alexei Navalny. The EU, for its part, recently passed a new human rights sanctions regime with which it hopes to better punish countries for human rights abuses. In this Transatlantic Tuesday, we will discuss how these developments are likely to impact U.S. and European sanctions policy going forward, as well as the prospects for allied coordination of sanctions. #TransatlanticTuesdays

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Delmastro at [email protected].