About this event


  • Andrei Yeliseyeu, Director, Analysis and Advocacy Unit, International Strategic Actions Network for Security (iSANS)
  • Uladzimir Kobets, Executive Director, International Strategic Actions Network for Security (iSANS)
  • Anton Motolko, Leading Blogger, Belarus
  • David Kramer, Senior Fellow, Green School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University



  • Jonathan D. Katz, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Growing Russian aggression aimed at destabilizing democracies in Central and Eastern Europe has raised concerns about who will be the Kremlin’s next target. A new report by the International Strategic Action Network for Security (iSANS) suggests that Belarus is in the crosshairs to become part of a Belarus-Russia Union State. The iSANS report highlights that through subversive information propaganda campaigns, the creation of vigilante networks, and the manipulation of far-right groups, the Kremlin has sought to divide the Belarusian public, and promote its narrative of unification between Belarus and Russia. This presents a problem for Washington and Brussels, as Russia’s actions could lead not only to a violation of Belarus’s sovereignty, but to a distinct advantage for the Kremlin’s revanchist interests in former Soviet states. Given this situation, the challenging state of Western relations with Belarus, ongoing challenges of Moscow’s continued aggression, U.S. and European leaders will have to expeditiously calculate interests, level of engagement, and assistance with Belarus and its leader Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States is pleased to invite you to a timely discussion on the iSANS report with leading experts on Russian interference in Belarus. This event will examine the extent of Russian interference in Belarus and suggest measures Minsk and the people of Belarus can take to safeguard their institutions and sovereignty. This is especially important in light of Belarus’ upcoming parliamentary elections in 2020. The election may be a challenge for Minsk, as the Kremlin may seek to interfere with the elections in order to promote its anti-democratic, pro-Russian agenda.

To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at +1 202 683 2608 or [email protected].