About this event

A Roundtable with Damian Collins, MP


  • Karen Kornbluh, Senior Fellow & Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Susan Ness, Distinguished Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Damian Collins, Member of Parliament, House of Commons

Damian Collins was at the center of the United Kingdom’s efforts following the Cambridge Analytica scandal to investigate the responsibility of digital information platforms in elections. As the leader of Parliament’s investigation into disinformation, he held hearings with Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie (the most-streamed select committee hearing in the history of the U.K. Parliament), decamped his committee to the United States for hearings with tech execs, and called for updating laws to address digital media. 

Please join us for a roundtable discussion with Collins on the next steps in the United Kingdom’s push for protecting elections in the age of disinformation, the transatlantic implications of that fight, and what (if any) impact Brexit may have on those efforts.