About this event

Opening Remarks

  • Roey Gilad, Chargé d'Affaires, Embassy of Israel, Ankara, Turkey


  • Şaban Kardaş, Associate Professor of International Relations, TOBB Economics and Technology University
  • Gallia Lindenstrauss, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies  

The Turkey-Israeli relationship has not been in its best shape in the last decade. In these years of confrontational relationships, there have been drastic changes in the international environment, while the Middle Eastern order has been shattered. There is no clarity as to the new order that is yet to emerge, regionally and globally. Despite the obvious dividends from mutual coordination of their responses to common challenges, Turkey and Israel have yet not been able to overcome their differences. Meanwhile, attempts to mend the ties and bring the parties back to a more cooperative relationship have failed. What are the odds for normalization between the two countries in the foreseeable future? What are the factors that would support normalization and those that make it difficult? Please join us in this conversation to discuss these questions and more.