About this event


  • Quentin Palfrey, President, International Digital Accountability Council; Senior Fellow, GMF Digital
  • Nathan Good, Partner Technologist, International Digital Accountability Council; CEO, AppCensus and Good Research
  • Invited: Sara Cable, Director of Data Privacy & Security and Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General


  • Karen Kornbluh, Director, GMF Digital

The coronavirus pandemic has given rise to a new ecosystem of mobile apps for checking symptoms, tracing contacts, monitoring quarantine, and more. These apps may have access to users’ sensitive personal health information, but don’t always have the right policies in place to ensure the privacy of that data. Two experts from an independent watchdog agency will share their analysis of over 100 coronavirus mobile apps and a privacy enforcement professional will join for a discussion of how to protect personal data, including through accountability mechanisms.

If you have any questions, please contact Jade McGrath at [email protected].