About this event


  • Shawn Gray, Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy to Belgium


  • Laura Groenendaal, Research and Projects Associate, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • John G.L.J. Jacobs, Director, Atlantic Forum
  • Lauren M. Speranza, Director of Transatlantic Defense and Security, CEPA  
  • Linde Desmaele, PhD Researcher, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Youssef Kobo, Director, A Seat At The Table 

Over the last seven decades Europe and the United States have been each other's closest allies. In the future, both sides of the Atlantic will have to make even greater efforts to ensure the permanence and vitality of their relationship. This discussion will offer the perspective of young professionals, who not only represent tomorrow’s leaders, but will also have a stake in shaping the future agenda of the transatlantic partnership. 

If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Chumenko at [email protected].