About this event

Competitiveness isn’t just a regional concern—it is a race to be ahead in the global pecking order. With China and the US both in the running for first place, pushing green subsidies among other spending packages, Europe is finding its feet, and the clock is ticking.

Against the backdrop of post-election uncertainties in both hemispheres, POLITICO Live’s Competitive Europe Week is taking place from October 1st to 3rd, asking the most pressing questions on how Europe can shore up its economic prowess and define its industrial future. At this unmissable event, our expert reporters will pick the brains of leading voices behind Europe’s quest for a competitive future, touching on economic security, fortified defense, and the transformative power of artificial intelligence in shaping tomorrow’s growth.

As part of POLITICO’s Competitive Europe Week conference in Brussels, the German Marshall Fund of the United States will host a private dinner to hear perspectives on how the United States and Europe can boost growth collectively in the face of a shifting global order. After publishing a report on European Competitiveness with analysis and sentiments from stakeholders across the continent on how to strengthen the bloc’s economic position, we will examine the topic of Allied Competitiveness.