About this event


  • Petya Barzilska, Senior Analyst, IHS Markit
  • Mario Holzner, Executive Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
  • Marcus How, Head of Research & Analysis, ViennEast


  • Daniel Hegedüs, Fellow for Central Europe, German Marshall Fund of the United States

The EU’s central and eastern member states, especially the Visegrád countries, have been the champions and self-declared motors of economic growth in Europe for the past decade. However, the Covid-19 pandemic challenges their above-average growth rates and questions whether or not the region continues to catch up with western members of the EU.

While the first wave of the pandemic had a rather moderate health impact in most Central and Eastern European countries, its economic consequences for small, export-oriented economies like Slovakia or Hungary were substantial and resulted in a  higher drop in production than even in Italy. The second wave of the pandemic has hit the region harder, with a more significant impact on public health and economic consequences that are as yet unpredictable.

What scenarios of potential economic recovery are conceivable for the region in the post-pandemic environment? How will the crisis reshape the structure of Central and Eastern European economies? Does Covid-19 provide an opportunity for structural modernization? How will the pandemic impact political stability in the region? And what political developments are most relevant from an economic and business perspective?     

The German Marshall Fund of the United States is pleased to invite you to an online discussion that examines these and other questions facing post-coronavirus Central and Eastern Europe.