About this event


  • Molly Ball, National Political Correspondent, TIME Magazine


  • Nicholas Bouchet, Senior Editor and Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

We are pleased to invite you to a book talk with Molly Ball whose latest book Pelosi traces back Nancy Pelosi’s remarkable rise to become the United States' most powerful female politician ever as speaker of the House of Representatives. During the conversation, Ball will highlight key moments of Pelosi’s life and their impact on her political career. She will also present an outlook of Pelosi’s potential future and discuss what role she might play whether President Donald Trump is re-elected or Joe Biden replaces him in the White House.

We look forward to your participation.

If you have any questions, please contact Franka Ellman at [email protected].

This book talk is part of GMF’s Understanding America series which sheds light on the nuances in American politics by presenting U.S. speakers from across the political spectrum. With a mixture of presentations and conversations, this series provides inside analyses from the United States’ most prominent voices.