About this event

Welcome Remarks:

  • Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Līga Rozentāle, Senior Director, EU Governmental Affairs for Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats Policy, Microsoft


  • Nina Hyvärinen, Head of Corporate Relations, F-Secure Corporation


  • Paul Zajac, Head of Strategic Affairs and Cybersecurity Department, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
  • Līga Rozentāle, Senior Director, EU Governmental Affairs for Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats Policy, Microsoft
  • Teki Akuetteh Falconer, Founder & Executive Director, Africa Digital Rights Hub
  • Fabro Steibel, Executive Director, Institute for Technology & Society, Brazil & Berkman Klein Center Affiliate, Harvard University

With over 1,000 signatories to date, the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace has become a formidable tool for a wide range of actors to interact on the inclusive governance of cyberspace. It is a helpful platform to develop fresh ideas on cyber norms and to feed them into intergovernmental negotiations, like the UN processes. But the strength of the Paris Call is also to build bottom-up capacity to implement norms, a fundamental need when providing answers to many of the issues in cyberspace, including concerns around trust, stability, and security. To which extent will the Paris Call shape the implementation of cyber norms? Which factors will ensure the future success of the Call? How can we increase access for external stakeholders, such as business and NGO's, and include their ideas in the global cyber norms debate? How can we foster better cooperation between different Paris Call stakeholders?

Join the German Marshall Fund and Microsoft for a timely discussion. A new publication will serve as background for our conversation.

If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Chumenko at [email protected]