About this event

Believing in the power and value of discussion, the Open European Dialogue (OED) offers an MP Open Call to give National MPs the chance to engage in discussion and exchange information, contributing to the prerogative of the OED to promote a culture of debate and mutual listening for better policymaking.

MP OPEN CALLS: Your Direct Line to Europe’s Policymakers

The new and improved MP OPEN CALLS are an opportunity to connect regularly with other members of parliament from the network. The OED will allow its members to check-in with their peers for one hour every month. We will act as hosts and facilitators, but it is the participants that will bring their questions and topics to the table. In the open agenda format, participants will be able to hear from each other and gain first-hand information on the political situation in other European countries.

All participants of MP OPEN CALLS have the power of initiative: As topics emerge, network members are encouraged to start their own initiatives or volunteer their expertise on a subject relevant to other members’ parliamentary work. Depending on the purpose, the OED will provide the right format to carry the initiative forward, such as our improved OED120 (a 2-hour deep dive into a critical topic with the help of external expertise) or the brand new OED POLICY SPRINT (a focused working group that engages participants in a whole series of meetings).

Please reach out to Helena Wittrich ([email protected]) for further information.