About this event


  • Amb Baiba Braže, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO HQ
  • The Hon. Attila Mesterházy,  President, NATO Parliamentary Assembly & Member, Hungarian National Assembly
  • The Hon. Gerry Connolly, Head of the U.S. Delegation to NATO PA & Member, U.S. House of Representatives 


  • Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The global world order that we know is changing, and its foundations are being challenged. NATO has made it clear that it intends to play its part in protecting a rules-based order. To do so NATO must adapt, ensuring that the Alliance is prepared to face the challenges brought by tomorrow. In this regard, NATO must stay strong militarily, be more united politically, and take a broader approach globally. Threats involve Russia’s continuous test on Allies and partners, and new threats have emerged, in the cyber, space, 5G telecommunications networks, disinformation, and climate change. Additionally, the rise of China presents new concerns for the future of the Alliance. To remain strong NATO must maintain a technological edge and preserve the resilience of the Allies’ democratic societies. The discussion will explore these issues pertaining to the future of NATO. It will also be an opportunity to present the conclusions of a NATO Parliamentary Assembly Resolution in support of NATO 2030, a process launched by Allied leaders to reflect on where the Alliance should stand ten years from now.