About this event

The German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Free Russia Foundation invite you to a virtual conversation focused on President Vladimir Putin’s repression in Russia. As Putin carries out an unrelenting campaign of war against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, he is also cracking down again on the Russian people. For over two decades he has ruthlessly sought to eliminate opposition, end free media, and use disinformation to maintain political power. Putin's efforts to impose a total information blockade and martial law suggest that domestic public opinion is a factor in the decision-making related to the war in Ukraine. It also means that a concerted effort must be made to continue engaging Russian civil society, establish and maintain channels to keep it informed on the war in Ukraine and the international reaction, and help civil society to coordinate the domestic anti-war movement.

Thousands of Russians have been arrested protesting Putin’s war in Ukraine. At the same time, the remaining few independent media sites, including social media, are being shut down, and new severe laws are being put in place to ensure no dissent as the Kremlin carries out its war in Ukraine. Our speakers will provide an update on conditions in Russia, anti-war efforts, and the impact of Putin’s crackdown on Russians. They will also discuss why and how the international community must continue to engage Russians and what steps can be taken to keep communication flowing. What does the future hold for a Russia under Putin’s draconian domestic laws?

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].


  • Natalia Arno: President, Free Russia Foundation
  • Dmitry Gudkov: Russian opposition politician
  • Vladimir Milov: Russia opposition politician


  • Jonathan Katz: Senior Fellow and Director, Democracy Initiatives, German Marshall Fund of the United States