About this event

  • Professor Johanna Hanefeld, Scientific Director & Head of the Centre for International Health Protection, Robert Koch Institute
  • Anand Parekh, MD, Chief Medical Advisor, Bipartisan Policy Center

The pandemic not only presents an immense challenge for public health and the economy, it also proves to be a litmus test for societal cohesion and international cooperation. With countries on both sides of the Atlantic undergoing a new round of lockdowns, signs of pandemic fatigue become apparent, and leaders are performing a balancing act with democratic principles. Can the hunt for and the distribution of a vaccine enhance cooperation among democratic countries?

Johanna Hanefeld from the German Robert Koch Institute and Anand Parekh from the Bipartisan Policy Center in conversation with Heidi Tworek will discuss the way forward for global health and how international cooperation and democratic communication strategies can help to manage the current pandemic.

 If you have any questions, please contact Corinna Blutguth at [email protected].