About this event


  • Jessica Bither, Migration Fellow and Senior Program Officer, Europe Program, GMF
  • Özgehan Şenyuva, Associate Professor of International Relations, Middle East Technical University


  • Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı, Ankara Office Director, GMF

On Friday, April 3, the German Marshall Fund (GMF) will launch On Turkey Conversations, which will be a series of webinars featuring conversations with GMF's On Turkey Series authors, and focusing on the most recent On Turkey Series analysis pieces.

The decision of the Turkish government not to prevent refugees in Turkey from crossing to Greece in the last week of February was a shocking move for many in Europe. Greece, supported by the EU, pushed back the refugees with a heavy-handed approach. With Turkey’s de-escalation, the crisis seems to be resolved, for now. What was the motivation of the Turkish leadership in such a move, and what was the motivation behind the EU’s approach? What were the immediate repercussions for the Turkish leadership at domestic and international fronts? What would be the optimal way forward for the EU and Turkey to manage the refugee crisis?

If you have any questions, please contact Ceylan Canbilek at [email protected].

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