About this event

The 2024 US elections are a defining moment for the transatlantic relationship. The outcome will shape the US approach to Europe and NATO, and to international challenges such as the war in Ukraine, relations with China, and security in the Middle East.

Individually, Washington’s European partners have different perspectives on the impact of the election’s outcome on their own strategic interests and the best ways to engage with the next US administration. But the allies still face a high level of uncertainty, and planning for different scenarios and potential policy responses is of paramount importance.

How are the partners in Europe assessing the US elections for their national interests? Which issues for cooperation will they prioritize after the elections, and to what extent do those issues vary? What are European priorities for the transatlantic relationship in the next four years?

Please join us for a webinar with GMF experts, who will share their insight into these issues. 

Event Speakers

Gesine Weber


Gesine Weber is a fellow on GMF’s Geostrategy team, where she works on European security and defense issues. Based in Paris, she focuses on EU defense initiatives, security and defense policy of the E3 (France, German...