About this event

  • Alena Aharelysheva, Lecturer, European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus
  • Andrei Yeliseyeu, Research Director, EAST Center and Head of Monitoring Group, iSANS
  • Alyaksey Znatkevich, Journalist, Belarusian Service, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
  • Veranika Laputska, Co-founder, EAST Center and Rethink.CEE Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow, Frontlines of Democracy Initiative, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The German Marshall Fund of the United State's Frontlines of Democracy Initiative and its Warsaw Office invite you to a timely discussion focused on the increasingly contentious August 9 presidential election in Belarus. This conversation with leading experts will take place just four days before citizens in Belarus are set to vote. Speakers will discuss the current state of play in the Belarus presidential election, the key issues impacting voters, the state of civil society and media, and how politics will look in their country after the election.

Despite President Aleksandr Lukashenko's history of orchestrating elections and repressing political rights in Belarus, the August 9 presidential election has become increasingly contentious and dangerous. In recent weeks, the Belarusian government has imprisoned or otherwise disqualified opposition candidates and has threatened foreign journalists covering weeks of peaceful protests. A leading opposition candidate is Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, wife of imprisoned vlogger Syarhey Tsikhanouski. She is running with the support of the wives and staff of previously disqualified candidates. They have unified behind a single platform—to vote for anyone but Lukashenko and force a runoff. Their supporters continue to come out and protest peacefully, sometimes standing in line for up to eight hours to add their names to signature lists in support of new candidates. In this potentially volatile situation, including deepening concerns about the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, President Lukashenko remains on the defensive as Belarusians get ready to vote.

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].