About this event

A Look at Austria, Belgium, and Slovakia


  • Kristine Berzina, Senior Fellow, Alliance for Securing Democracy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Brussels
  • Pavol Demeš, Senior Non-Resident Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Ivan Vejvoda, Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Austria


  • Derek Chollet, Executive Vice President and Senior Advisor for Security and Defense Policy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Across Europe, govenment officials are focused on returning to a semblance of normalcy as the summer holidays approach. Lockdown measures in response to the coronavirus crisis have crippled the economy and tourism industry. Countries like Austria and Beligum are contemplating next steps from opening borders to instituting new bike lanes to allow for safer excercizing and commuting. Officials in Slovakia have been lauded for their swift and determined leadership in the crisis. After successfully flattening the curve of new cases, the country appears to be on a positive course.

Join us for a conversation with local experts to discuss the situation in Bratislava, Brussels, Vienna, and beyond.

To enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. Please register to join the conversation and take part in the Q&A with the panelists.

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Itai Barsade at [email protected]