About this event

Opening Remarks

  • Robert B. Zoellick, Lead U.S. Negotiator, "Two-plus-Four" process for German Unification; Senior Counselor, Brunswick Geopolitical


  • Ricklef Beutin, Deputy Chief of Mission at the German Embassy to the United States


  • Christian Caryl, Op-ed Editor at The Washington Post 

On the night of November 9, 1989, an East German official's simple misreading of his talking points on television led to a monumental change in Germany and the world – the Berlin Wall opened. With this, the physical embodiment of the Cold War tumbled, the geopolitical order shifted, alliances were reevaluated, and the pathway to German reunification was found. As the Cold War stasis was broken, diplomats worked to ensure stability, peace, and the reunification of Germany. This singular moment in history provides lessons on the importance and power of diplomacy for today with the reemergence of great-power competition, rising nationalism, and political upheaval on both sides of the Atlantic. Please join us on Wednesday, November 13 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. at The German Marshall Fund as we reflect on the lessons from 1989 for today’s diplomacy.

To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Evgenia Ivanchuk at +1 202 683 2606 or [email protected].