About this event

  • Emre Erdoğan, Professor of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi University  
  • Nora Fisher Onar, Assistant Professor of International Studies, University of San Francisco
  • Paul Levin, Director of the Institute for Turkish Studies (SUITS), Stockholm University

While it is unique neither to Turkey nor to this particular period in time, polarization erodes the platform for a pluralistic democracy and paves the way for populist and majoritarian politics in Turkey. A recent survey highlights how social distance, perceived moral superiority, and political intolerance polarize the Turkish society along partisan lines. This survey “Dimensions of Polarization in Turkey 2020” is a part of an ongoing project titled “Strategies and Tools for Mitigating Polarization in Turkey.” The project is conducted by The German Marshall Fund of the United States and Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research (BILGI-Migration) through the support of The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

On this occasion, we would like to present the results of the survey and discuss implications for Turkish society and politics.

If you have any questions, please contact Ceylan Canbilek at [email protected].