About this event


  • Dr. Corinna Hörst, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Brussels Office, German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Dr. Stephanie Willmann, Director, Political Affairs - International, Rheinmetall
  • Mr. Chris Lombardi, Vice-President, European Business Development, Raytheon
  • Ms. Anne Fort, Acting Director, Defence Industry and Market Policy, DG DEFIS, European Commission


  • Mr. Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow for Security and Defence, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Defending Europe remains a priority on both sides of the Atlantic. The NATO London Meeting 2019 saw the Allies reiterate their commitment to collective defense, while Europeans—through projects such as PESCO or EDF—are actively developing strategic capabilities and boosting their defense innovation. To do so, cooperation between European and U.S. defense companies has been, and remains, essential. But against a backdrop of changing political realities in the United States and in the EU, a common understanding of the value of transatlantic cooperation is increasingly under scrutiny. What do EU and U.S. defense companies gain from their cooperation? Is Europe delivering on those policies that strengthen cooperation between U.S.-EU defense companies? What is the value of transatlantic cooperation for European military autonomy? How to diffuse some of the policy concerns on both sides of the Atlantic?

If you have any questions, please contact Maxime Sierro at +32 2 238 5298 or [email protected]. This event is sponsored by Raytheon.