About this event


  • Pauline Manos, Chair of Democrats Abroad Belgium
  • Mike Kulbickas, Chair of Republicans Overseas Belgium
  • Baron Frans van Daele


  • Ian Lesser, Vice President and Executive Director of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Brussels

On both sides of the Atlantic, November 3, 2020 is a date to be marked on the calendar. There is little more than a month until the U.S. presidential elections, but the outcome is still far from certain.

Curious to find out where the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to voters? Join the virtual event ‘#Decision2020: A running commentary of the US Presidential Race’ taking place on Friday, October 16, right after the second Presidential Debate.

Baron Frans van Daele, one of Belgium’s most experienced diplomats, will open up the discussion with remarks on potential factors influencing the election, such as voter turn-out and the relative influence of foreign policy. He will also touch upon topics such as populism, law and order, and healthcare.

Following this introduction, van Daele will join a panel discussion with Pauline Manos, Chair of Democrats Abroad Belgium, and Mike Kulbickas, Chair of Republicans Overseas Belgium. The conversation will be moderated by Ian Lesser, Vice President and Executive Director of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Brussels. 

For both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens from all backgrounds, this is a unique opportunity to get an insight into the perspectives of the two sides of the political spectrum. For the first time this year, the Belgian party representatives of the Democrats and Republicans will share their opinion on the same stage!