About this event


  • Amb. Ian Kelly, Ambassador (ret.) in Residence, Program in International and Area Studies, Northwestern University
  • David Kramer, Senior Fellow, Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs, Florida International University
  • Alina Inayeh, Director, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow and Director, Democracy Initiatives, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The German Marshall Fund of the United States' Democracy Initiatives and its Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation invite you to the launch of a timely report "A Country on the Verge: The Case for Supporting Georgia," authored by Ambassador Ian Kelly and David J. Kramer. Join us as they discuss the report's findings and recommendations, as well as the ongoing political crisis in Georgia. This timely report focuses on the three-decade effort that Georgians have made toward democratic reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration, while fending off economic, political, and security challenges from the Kremlin amid fast-changing developments in the South Caucasus region. It also identifies the challenges facing Georgians, including setbacks to its democracy, electoral processes, and judiciary. The report includes policy recommendations and support for Georgians to overcome obstacles in the way of political and economic progress as well as policy options for the United States, European Union, and other partners to support democratic reforms and the transatlantic ambitions of the Georgian people.

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].