About this event


  • Dr. Jennifer Bouey, Senior Policy Researcher and Tang Chair in China Policy Studies, RAND Corporation
  • Dr. Christian Van Stolk, Executive Vice President, RAND Europe


  • Ambassador Charles Ries, Vice President, RAND International


  • Julie Smith, Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the Asia Program, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The coronavirus is posing serious challenges to the health and wellbeing of people around the globe. How governments and employers respond will impact what the future looks like. Dr. Jennifer Bouey and Dr. Christian van Stolk from the RAND Corporation will share expertise and insights on a range of coronavirus-related topics from U.S.-Chinese collaboration on responses to the pandemic, whether international mechanisms to share health information are fit-for-purpose post-crisis, to actions employers can take to come out of the pandemic with as healthy a workforce, both physically and mentally, as possible. Ambassador Charles Ries, VP RAND International and international trade expert, will join the discussion, which will be moderated by Julie Smith, of the German Marshall Fund. 

Due to concerns about the coronavirus and in order to enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. Please register to join the conversation.

For any inquiries, please contact Annika Vollmer: [email protected]