About this event


  • Jules Polonetsky, CEO, Future of Privacy Forum
  • Karen Kornbluh, Senior Fellow and Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative, German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Marie-Laure Denis, President of the CNIL (France’s data protection authority)
  • Sophie Kwasny, Head of Data Protection Unit, Council of Europe
  • Lara Ballard, Former Special Advisor for Privacy and Technology, U.S. Department of State
  • Simon Hania, Data Protection Officer, Uber
  • Eleni Kyriakides, EPIC International Counsel

The Council of Europe, the Future of Privacy Forum and the German Marshall Fund of the United States invite you to a discussion about Convention 108+, the only international convention on the protection of personal data. We will introduce Convention 108+, present its content, and discuss with participants whether there is anything the convention could offer to the United States. Space is limited, so please register quickly to secure your place.

The convention was first adopted in 1981 and it was updated in 2018. Currently, Convention 108+ has 54 signatory parties: all members of the Council of Europe as well as countries from Latin America (such as Argentina, Mexico, and Uruguay) and Africa (such as Cabo Verde, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia).