About this event

Co-hosted by The German Marshall Fund of the United States and Lviv Security Forum:


Presentation of Study: Collected Evidence of Russian Aggression in Ukraine - Building Resilience in Light of Current International Security Challenges

  • Oksana Syroid, Co-Chair of Lviv Security Forum, Leader of Samopomich Union political party


Will Sanctions Against Russia Remain in Force? Why Sanctions Matter in Building Collective Resilience

  • Ben Hodges, Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies, Center for European Policy Analysis
  • Andriy Shevchenko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada
  • Radoslava Stefanova, Head of Russia and Ukraine Section, NATO Political Affairs and Security Policy Division
  • Audrone Perkauskiene, Head of Russia Division, European External Action Service


  • Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Brussels

The Ukrainian NGO Prosvita Institute, organizer of the annual Lviv Security Forum, with the support of NATO has been collecting the evidence of Russian military and non-military aggression against Ukraine from 2014-2017. These are represented by a 4-volume report based on open-source intelligence data—satellite images, photo & video proofs, official documents, and information from Ukrainian governmental bodies, representatives of international organizations, and foreign governments.

With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the drop in oil prices, Russia has accelerated its efforts to ease the sanctions related to Russian interference in Ukraine. Can sanctions be lifted despite breaking the international agreements and continuous undermining of international law? What are further threats arising from such decisions for the West? How to unite the efforts of the expert community to preserve sanctions against Russia until the full implementation of Russia’s obligations?

Due to concerns about the coronavirus and in order to enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. Register here to join the conversation and take part in the Q&A with the panelists.

If you have any questions, please contact in the GMF Brussels office Patrycja Panczyk at [email protected] or +32 2238 5270.