About this event

Change the world in the hours—what if it was possible?

For one evening, come and talk with Pascal Canfin, former director of WWF France and member of France’s High Council for Climate, and Johanna Rolland , president of Nantes Métropole and mayor of Nantes, on the issues of climate change.

Alongside them, two U.S. cities and one German city will share their experiences on the energy transition, and local actors will engage on new economic models of transition and their solutions to climate issues.

Organized by the team of the mission d'animation of the Transition Energétique Roadmap, following the Great Citizen and Metropolitan Debate, this evening is free and open to all.

At 6:15 pm, we will begin with a panel on concrete solutions to meet the climate and environmental challenge:

  • The five challenges of transition: zero waste, carpooling, telecommuting, positive energy, and food.
  • The WWF's We Act For Good (WAG) app.
  • The challenge 1001 eco-friendly events.
  • The challenge of energy renovation with MonProjetRenov.fr.

Excerpts from the documentary film “Après Demain,” by Cyril Dion and Laure Noualhat will introduce exchanges with Pascal Canfin, followed by a roundtable discussion.

 The Mobilization of Regions, Here and Elsewhere Panel

  • Irene Garcia, Program Officer, The German Marshall Fund of the United States 
  • Susanne Rasmussen, Director Environment and Transport, City of Cambridge Massachusetts (United States)
  • Taiwo Jaiyeoba, Planning, Design and Development Manager, City of Charlotte, North Carolina (United States)
  • Sabine Lachenicht, Director Environment and Energy, City of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Jean-Jacques Terrin, architect-urbanist

International  delegates will be present in Nantes as part of the Energy Allies program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with Energy Cities and funded by the European Union within the framework of the EU-US Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogues (TCSD).

 New Economic Models of Territories In Transition Panel

  • Hubert de Boisredon, CEO of Armor
  • Philippe Retière, President of the Fédération des Maraîchers Nantais
  • Michel Péry, President of Néoline
  • Walter Bouvais, Co-founder of Open Lande
  • Naomi Chevillard, Solar Power Europe

Change the world in two hours – Cité des Congrès from 6:15 pm to 8:45 pm

Point of Contact: Anne Chevrel

Free evening open to all and adapted to people with disabilities and reduced mobility.

If you have specific needs, please contact us: https://www.weezevent.com/changer-le-monde-en-2-heures