About this event

The German Marshall Fund of the United States and its Frontlines of Democracy Initiative invite you to a special webinar briefing with the deputy speaker of Moldova's Parliament, Mihai Popsoi, and leading Moldovan civil society activists, Natalia Morari, head of TV8 Channel, and Valeriu Pasha, program manager, WatchDog.MD Community, on November 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EST.

On November 12 the Moldovan parliament adopted a no-confidence motion in Prime Minister Maia Sandu’s coalition government. The vote, initiated by President Igor Dodon and his Socialist Party, has significant and negative ramifications for Moldova’s economic growth, democratic reforms, security, and future in Europe. Since June, Moldova has had a coalition government led by Prime Minister Sandu’s ACUM bloc and President Dodon’s Socialist Party. The coalition’s attempts to deliver on rule-of-law and anti-corruption reforms have been hampered by forces inside and outside of Moldova, including at times by the Socialist Party.

Prior to the no-confidence vote on November 12, tensions between the coalition partners had risen over reforms at the Prosecutor General’s Office and following recent local elections that took place in October and November. Following the fall of the government, political parties in Moldova will have 90 days to form a new one. If no government is formed, new parliamentary elections will be called.

Mihai Popsoi, Natalia Morari, and Valeriu Pasha will provide updated information on the fall of the government and the increasingly destabilized political situation in Moldova. What will the next government look like, and is it possible to keep Moldova on its democratic track? Has a short window of hope for Moldova’s democracy and Euro-Atlantic aspirations closed, paving the way for corrupt, strongman actors to tighten their chokehold on its economic and political future? Has President Dodon engineered a deepened relationship between Moldova and Russia? 

To watch the webinar online, please follow this link to register.

To RSVP to attend in person or if you have any further questions, please email John Alexander at [email protected].