About this event


  • Jan Jakub Chromiec, Rethink.CEE Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Magdalena Maria Solska, Research Fellow, Institute for Central and Eastern Europe, Fribourg University
  • Michal Šimečka, MEP & Vice Chair, Renew Europe Group / Vice Chairman, Progressive Slovakia


  • Daniel Hegedüs, Fellow for Central Europe, German Marshall Fund of the United States

The decrease in citizens’ party engagement and the hollowing out of political parties are major challenges representative democracy faces throughout the Western World. In Central and Eastern Europe, where the institutionalization of parties has been traditionally weaker and citizens’  engagement lower than in Western Europe, parties’ lack of strength and resilience may have significantly contributed to the recent democratic decline.

What different mechanisms restrain citizens’ party activism in the Central and Eastern European countries? How can the negative effects of these mechanisms be overcome to boost engagement? 

The German Marshall Fund of the United States is pleased to invite you to the presentation and discussion of a new policy paper that examines the above key questions of party engagement in Central and Eastern Europe. The paper places particular emphasis on steps that can be taken by international donors, international organizations, and governments to strengthen party participation in the region.

This event is part of the Rethink.CEE Fellowship, which was established by the German Marshall Fund of the United States in 2018. As Central and Eastern Europe faces mounting challenges to its democracy, security, and prosperity, the Rethink.CEE Fellowship supports next-generation thinkers and activists to conduct original policy research, to offer fresh thinking and perspectives, and to shape effective responses by the transatlantic community.