About this event


  • William Yang, East Asia Correspondent, Deutsche Welle


  • Julianne Smith, Director, Asia Program, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

This year is proving to be a tumultuous one for East Asia, with status quo-altering developments coming in quick succession. In many ways, Taiwan has a front row seat, with the coronavirus pandemic, Beijing’s new national security law, and geopolitical uncertainty further impacting Taiwan’s already tenuous position.

The GMF Asia Program invites you to a live podcast discussion with on-the-ground reporter William Yang, who will dive into the most relevant questions for the island today: What is the outlook for Taiwan’s future given Beijing’s the implementation of the new national security law in Hong Kong? What lessons did Taiwan learn from battling the novel coronavirus? How does the Taiwanese public currently view the United States, and do they have confidence in the United States’ ability to play a positive leadership role? With the Taiwanese government as the first to legalize same-sex marriage in Asia, what are the long-term prospects of LGBT rights throughout Asia? How have CCP actions in Xinjiang impacted opinions in Taiwan about the Chinese government and its the use of digital surveillance tools?

This frank conversation will provide a window into Taiwanese perspectives on breaking regional developments impacting the lives of those on the island and beyond in these uncertain times.

How to Join: Please register via the Register to Attend button above. The link to the Zoom Webinar will follow registration.

This event will be held on the record. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Ladner at [email protected].