BTD Grantmaking
The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) supports democratic consolidation and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Balkans through assisting reform processes and strengthening regional cooperation and collaboration.The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) awards grants to civil society organizations to support projects addressing themes of democracy and good governance, rule of law, policy dialogue and networking, and regional cooperation, and European integration. Priority areas within these themes include:
- Civic Engagement
- Youth Leadership and Empowerment
- Government Accountability and Transparency
- Culture of Giving
- Euro-Atlantic Integration
- Dialogue and Reconciliation
BTD prioritizes projects that use innovative approaches and solutions to resolve pertaining issues or problems designed to increase citizen engagement with government; measurably impact public policy; strengthen leadership skills of individuals and organizations; facilitate cross-border and/or cross-sector cooperation; and encourage the transfer of experiences and innovative ideas through clear communication and dissemination plans.
BTD seeks to support excellence and project ideas designed with clear objectives, goals, and deliverables.
Geographical Scope
BTD’s grantmaking activities focus primarily on the six Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. BTD also supports relevant cross-border and regional initiatives that include civil society stakeholders from other European countries.
Application Procedures
Organizations that are interested in receiving BTD funding are welcome to send a brief idea in English to [email protected]. The brief should include the following information:
- ORGANIZATION (mission of the organization)
- BUDGET (total amount requested and, in case of co-funding, total amount needed for full project implementation with other donors’ share)
For information on our open calls for project proposals, please check below.
Eligibility Criteria
Project proposals should be initiated by civil society organizations legally registered in one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Organizations registered in any other country may be eligible for BTD funding should they propose an action with the main focus on any or all of the Western Balkan six countries.
BTD does not support humanitarian assistance, infrastructural projects, or any purchase of equipment.
Expand AllMedia Fund Serbia
Expand AllBalkan CSOs Response to COVID-19 I
Program Description
The Balkan Trust for Democracy is launching a call for proposals as a response to the needs and challenges of the Balkan region civil societies amplified by the outbreak of the coronavirus. Strengthening the rule of law, freedom of expression, protection of human rights, and the fight against domestic and gender-based violence continue to be fundamental for social transformation of the Western Balkan region and require stronger cooperation of all parts of societies more than ever.
Balkan CSOs Response to COVID-19 II
Program Description
The Balkan Trust for Democracy is launching a call for proposals as a response to the needs and challenges of the Balkan region civil societies amplified by the outbreak of the coronavirus. Strengthening the rule of law, freedom of expression, protection of human rights, and the fight against domestic and gender-based violence continue to be fundamental for social transformation of the Western Balkan region and require stronger cooperation of all parts of societies more than ever.
Support to ‘Western Balkans 6’ for Strengthening Media Freedom And Fighting Domestic And Gender-Based Violence
The Balkan Trust for Democracy’s financial and technical assistance for this sub-granting process is part of the larger Norwegian efforts to support Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
Democratization, strengthening the rule of law, freedom of expression, protection of human rights, and the fight against domestic and gender-based violence continue to be fundamental for social transformation, whereas the prospect of European Union integrations remains the main impetus for change for the ‘Western Balkans 6’ countries (WB6).
Strengthening EU Integration in North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia
The Balkan Trust for Democracy’s financial and technical assistance for this sub-granting process is part of the larger Norwegian efforts to support North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
The firm prospect of EU membership remains the driver of transformation and anchor of stability and security in the countries of the Western Balkans. Enlargement policy continues to deliver results and reforms are moving forward in most countries, albeit at different speeds. Given the complex nature of the necessary reforms, it is a long-term process and structural shortcomings persist, notably in the key areas of rule of law and economy. The Balkan Trust for Democracy of The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF BTD) and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade (RNE) aim to contribute to the implementation of the reform processes by opening this call.