Post-Pandemic Order: Senator Chris Murphy on America’s Global Response

April 16, 2020
1 min read

On the first episode of GMF’s new mini-series “Post-Pandemic Order,” U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) joins Julie Smith to talk America’s global response to the pandemic, how the pandemic could (and should) alter U.S. foreign policy thinking, and the role democracies play in dealing with crises. Senator Murphy, who recently introduced new legislation with Senator Mitt Romney reaffirming U.S. commitment to global health security, also responds to the White House’s plan to stop funding the WHO and shares his perspectives on China’s foreign policy and how the pandemic could play into its long-term goals.


Senator Murphy’s op-ed in Foreign Policy: The U.S. Government Must Prepare Now for the Next Pandemic

Reuters: Lawmakers Look to Reaffirm U.S. Commitment to Global Health, Amid Coronavirus

GMF T-Take: How Are China and Russia Responding to and Capitalizing on the Coronavirus Crisis?

Lawfare: Understanding Hungary’s Authoritarian Response to the Pandemic