Thank you for your interest in the Transatlantic Leadership Seminar on Education and Workforce Development, which is taking place in Berlin, Amsterdam, and Tallinn from November 10–17, 2019. The non-refundable registration for this event covers the costs of programming, four to five-star hotel accommodation, meals, and transportation during the event. Individuals are responsible for their own travel to Berlin and from Tallinn on November 10 and 17.

Registration is offered exclusively to members of GMF’s transatlantic leadership network, which includes alumni of the following programs: the Marshall Memorial Fellowship, Manfred Wörner Seminar, Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network, Transatlantic Forum on Migration and Integration, Asmus Policy Entrepreneurs Fellowship, APSA Congressional Fellowship, and New Länder Fellowship. 

If you have any questions, please contact Filip Vojvodic Medic at [email protected].

Registration Options 

Interested parties may attend this event by either purchasing a Platinum or a Gold membership in GMF’s Alumni Leadership Council (ALC). Current, Silver, and Bronze ALC members who have not yet claimed any of their membership event benefits can attend the seminar by upgrading to Gold membership or Platinum  membership. Please note that all available options are non-refundable and payable in full or in twelve monthly installments. Interested parties may also register a partner or spouse to accompany them. Participants may do so through purchasing an additional Gold membership for their guest. 

Registered participants may also add a partner or a spouse to accompany them by purchasing an additional Gold membership.

Register to Attend Through Platinum Membership

  • Offered at $5,000.00
  • Includes access to:
    • Leadership Perspectives
    • State of Transatlantic Relations
    • One additional seminar
    • Next Inclusive Leadership Summit

    • Next Marshall Seminar
  • Payable in full or in 12 monthly installments

Register to Attend Through Gold Membership

  • Offered at $3,000.00
  • Includes access to:
    • Leadership Perspectives
    • State of Transatlantic Relations
  • Payable in full or in 12 monthly installments 

If you would like to upgrade an existing Bronze or Silver membership to attend the Seminar, please see the terms above and contact GMF’s Leadership Programs at [email protected].